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Your First Visit

What To Expect When You Visit

in person
We gather in person at 1719 e. 29th Street in Bryan at 10:30 AM on Sundays. If desired, our greeters will show you the location of service, religious education, and bathrooms.

Meditative music starts at 10:15 AM, so feel free to come early, make a name tag, grab a cup of coffee, and settle in.

You can sit wherever you would like!

There are optional visitor forms to sign up for our newsletter and to let us know how to get in touch with you. We are so glad you are here!
Coffee Hour
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After service, we move to the Fellowship Hall for Coffee Hour. You’re welcome to grab a cup of coffee or tea and a snack.

There are a variety of snacks including dairy and gluten free options and other drinks like lemonade and hot chocolate available.

This is the time when our community chats with each other about service and what is going on in our lives.

Any Sunday afternoon offerings, like membership classes, will be held in the chapel at noon.
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If you are a child or youth who would like to go to Religious Education and it is OK with your grownups, you will exit the service after the Time for All Ages. You will have a class that is often filled with stories, art, and activities. There is time for play!

Your parents can pick you up from RE after service and you can head to coffee hour. Children and youth are welcome to stay with their grownups or you are welcome to come to RE. Please find Allison Faber, Director of Religious Education, before service for more information!

We create just and loving community.


1719 East 29th Street

Bryan, Texas 77802

Contact Us


1719 E 29th Street

Bryan, Texas, 77802


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