Stewardship 2024 -
Growing In Service
Welcome to the launch page for our 2024 Stewardship Drive where we are
Growing In Service!
Here you'll find lots of information about our pledge drive, our Stewardship Dinner, and our plans for the upcoming 2024-2025 fiscal year. Please engage with us and this process as we build the beloved community together.

You're Invited!
Please join us on Saturday, April 13 at 6pm for this year's Stewardship Dinner! We'll be serving a meal and sharing our dreams for the coming year. We'll invite you to return your pledge forms at this event if you haven't already!
Stewardship Information
The Stewardship Committee, Rev. Kiya Heartwood, and Board President Joyce Langenegger would like to introduce you to this year's campaign.
Pledge Form
If you would like to download this year's Pledge Form, you can find it here.
You can return this form to the church office, at our Stewardship Dinner on April 13, or mail it in to:
1719 E 29th St
Bryan, TX 77802
How much should I give?
The UUA provides a useful guide about how to consider your income, your level of commitment to the congregation, and adjust your giving accordingly. You can find that guide here.
Budget Information
Are you curious about how Brazos UU plans for its spending over the year? Click here to get infomration about our budget plans, spending history, and more.