By Maya Lazarus and John Faber, Co-Chairs
What was true last month may not be true this month. That’s how quickly all of our lives are changing and yet we amble along trying to make things as normal as possible. That is true for the worship committee as well.
We are so pleased that Pastor Kiya Heartwood has joined us as our part-time minister and has been here for a month already. Pastor Kiya is pleased to give two worship services per month while the worship committee is responsible for the other two or three. Our lineup for September follows:
Sept. 5 Pastor Kiya will talk on practical Taoism.
Sept. 12 Kristin Houle-Cuellar from the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty will bring us up-to-date on the abolitionist front in Texas.
Sept. 19 Pastor Kiya will lead us in a water communion service.
Sept. 26 Janet Morford from the Brazos Interfaith Immigration Network will talk about local immigration issues and what programs BIIN offers.
We have decided to postpone our interest survey for a month but please feel free to contact Pastor Kiya if you have a topic of interest you would like to hear on Sunday morning or if you would like to give a talk about a topic you feel passionate about.
The worship committee is planning to try breakout rooms during coffee hour starting in October. This would allow those who want to focus more on the worship service topic to gather in one or two breakout rooms while those who wish more free-flowing conversation to gather in other breakout rooms.
Thank you to our worship committee members, worship assistants, and greeters. Everyone, please continue to share your ideas about how to do church in new and unique ways. We welcome your comments.
Maya Lazarus deblazarus@yahoo.com
John Faber official.jmf.studios@gmail.com
Pastor Kiya Heartwood minister@brazos-uu.org