PO Box 170064 - Austin, TX 78717
Executive Director: Rev. Chuck Freeman
We are very pleased to inform you that the our 501(c)4 Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry - Advocacy Network has recommended that our members support your candidacy and vote for you!
You can see the full list of candidates we are backing here - http://txuujm.org/txuujm-501c4/.
Universalists and Unitarians have been established in Texas since 1883. Our religion resonates deeply with the principles enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence and the Texas Constitution. Our faith calls us to honor the self-evident truth of equality for all, and to work towards a state where freedom, justice and compassion become realities for all.
The Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry was established in 2012 and currently has 35 congregations and 5,500 members across Texas in our coalition.
Our TXUUJM Values Voting team evaluated each candidate on these issues of vital importance nominated by our member congregations: Criminal Justice Reform, Economic Justice, Enviromental Justice, Gun Control, Healthcare Access, Immigration Justice, LGBTQ Rights, Public Education Reform, Racial Justice, Voting Rights.
Please feel free to share this letter in public and to use our logo in lists of those who support your campaign.
We are looking forward to working with you in the 2021 Legislature to “bend Texas toward Justice!”
Rev. Chuck Freeman
Mary Koch, TXUUJM Board member, 1st UU Houston
Robyn Stout, TXUUJM Advisory Council, Northwoods UU, The Woodlands
Bruce Harris, TXUUJM Board member, 1st UU Dallas
Pam Johnson, TXUUJM Advisory Council, Brazos Valley UU, Bryan/College Station