We gather TOMORROW (Thurs. 8/11) at 6:30pm CT on Zoom for TXUUJM's In-Gathering Action Hour. Click to watch the invitation from TXUUJM Executive Director Rev. Erin Walter. Dear Texas UUs and our justice-seeking friends, From voting rights to gender-affirming care, climate justice to public education, there is so much need for Unitarian Universalists bending Texas toward justice. Please join me for TXUUJM's In-Gathering tomorrow night! I'll be leading and am greatly looking forward to catching up with you, taking action, and discussing our strategies for fall/winter, UU the Vote, the Texas Legislative session, and more. TXUUJM In-Gathering 6:30pm CT, Thursday, Aug. 11, on Zoom Zoom link: bit.ly/TXUUJMZoom Zoom Meeting ID: 333 042 6480 Facebook event - share and invite others! Every person who takes action makes a difference! I hope to see you on Zoom tomorrow night! In faith, Rev. Erin Walter Fuel the fire for justice! Make a gift to TXUUJM today!
Shout out to Austin UUs! Activists of all ages from TXUUJM member congregation First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin showed up for the recent reproductive justice rally and resource fair. For more photos from recent actions, check out TXUUJM's August newsletter here: https://bit.ly/TXUUJMAug2022 What's new in your community? Send us your congregational justice news, photos, and stories! Missed a memo? Click here for TXUUJM's August Newsletter. Donate to TXUUJM