September 1 “Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for All” Rev. Donna Renfro
Our country claims these truths for all as covenantal. This Labor Day holiday expanded what that could mean.
“We cannot do both covenant and individualism; individuality, yes, but not individualism,” Fredrick Muir.
September 8 “Sacred Water, Sacred Agreements” Rev. Donna Renfro
Our annual water ceremony and Our Historical Roots of Covenant from our Unitarian ancestors
Please bring a small amount of water from someplace meaningful to you from the summer.
“I call that church free which enters into the covenant with the ultimate source of existence. It binds together families and generations, protecting against the idolatry of any human claim to absolute truth or authority,” James Luther Adams.
September 15 “We Call This Church Free” UUCBV Leaders
Congregations create their own Covenant among members. Join the Committee on Ministry and Board of Trustees as they explore with you what the covenant of this church means.
“Our covenant is an essential statement of what we hope to do together. It is also an expression of why it matters that our community is here, how it will change our lives and how it will make a difference…,” Susan Frederick-Gray.
September 22 “Nevertheless She Preached” Rev. Donna Renfro
Women helped expand the covenantal language of our faith.
“I understand the term Beloved Community to mean an inclusive, interrelated society based on love, compassion, responsibility, shared power and a respect for all people, places, and things…,” Shirley Strong.
September 29 Rev. Donna Renfro
Our Historical Roots of Covenant from our Universalist ancestors
John Murray spread the radical truth that all are included in God’s love. What does that look like in today’s world?
“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community,” Dorothy Day.