We will be traveling this Wednesday, March 20th, to the Capitol in Austin where we will join with hundreds of other UUs from around the state to visit with our Texas Representatives and Senators. Specifically, we will meet with our legislators from the Brazos Valley to share our views on pending legislation of special concern to UUs. The day in Austin starts at 8:30 AM, but there may be Austin area UUs willing to provide overnight stays. Email Zoe Dobbs at zirelynd@gmail.com to be included in the carpool plans from B/CS.
Register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/texas-unitarian-universalist-justice-ministry-legislative-action-day-registration-53575694344
View the rally day schedule: https://mailchi.mp/33e4bb1ba0ff/txuujm-announces-schedule-for-legislative-action-day?e=c34b5b4e7a