New Worship Committee Forming – Come Join us!
UUCBV has not had a worship committee for several years. I’ve heard it declined because it devolved into the committee members being responsible for all 20 Sundays a year when the minister is contracted NOT to be in the pulpit. Good news – I’m totally willing to help line up guest ministers and speakers. What we need is someone to accompany those guests in getting everything in order before and the day of their service. Besides that, the group will help with the worship calendar, ideas for worship, and other things we might decide on together. Right now, Joe Daigle, Vicki Carter and I do it all. We’ve had two members agree to be co-chairs for a certain amount of time. If you are a newer church member, or one who’s been here for decades, you are welcome to join us. Please be in touch with me, at if you’re willing. The tentative date of the first meeting is Tuesday, November 19, in the Minister’s office.