We have been very busy this past year! It is difficult to keep track of everything we have done!
Hope’s Locker of Bryan ISD
1. Presentation by Tara Dupper, Director of Hope’s Locker
2. Hope’s Locker Clothing Drives
3. “Keep Their Feet & Bottoms Warm” Drive
4. Fund Raising Fashion Show
Green Tip of the Week - promoting your health, lifestyle and sustainability
Family Promise (FP) of Bryan and College Station
1. Family Promise provides transitional housing and support for homeless children and their families
2. For one week every 3-months, the UUCBV serves as the Host Church for FP
3. Our FP Support Group
Buys groceries for the week
Prepares hot dinners
Serves as dinner host and overnight hosts
Split the Plate donations to one organization every quarter.
1. Hope’s Locker - supplies clothing/supplies to homeless children in the BISD
2. Black Mamas Bailout, a campaign organized by the National Bail Out Collective & supported by Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU).
3. Bryan/College Station Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby - a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change.
4. Tiny Hope Village, a 7-acre area of land set aside for a tiny house village to permanently house the chronically homeless in the Bryan/CS/Hearne area.
Pride Community Center Sponsorship for
1. Pride Community Center Potluck July 2019
2. Pride Community Center PrideGiving Dec. 2019
Bryan-College Station CROP Hunger Walk, Oct. 2019
UUA Reproductive Justice Curriculum - and working with the UUWF towards “Becoming a Reproductive Justice Congregation.”
Plans for 2020:
For 2020 the MSJE plans to continue working with our current partners as above, developing closer and stronger ties. But we have more to do:
UU the Vote 2020 - The UUA has begun a campaign to help congregations shore up our support for democratic processes in our governments. Our religious community must speak with moral courage and act with prophetic clarity and determination in the 2020 electoral cycle.
1. We plan to work with the UUA , Texas UU Justice Ministry (TxUUJM) and the local chapter of the TX Democratic Women (TDW) to get out the vote. https://www.uua.org/justice/vote2020 http://txuujm.org https://tdw.org
2. UUCBV Youth Group - Did you know we now have a youth group? You have seen those highly energetic youth running around (literally). It is time to partner with them and help promote their causes.
3. Sponsor a table at the Brazos Valley African American Museum Banquet on February 29.
The MSJE meets the second Sunday of each month at 12N in the upstairs conference room, potluck style. Please join us and express your ideas!