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MSJE Monthly News by Zoe Dobbs

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

As many of you know by now, I’ll soon be pursuing an amazing job opportunity in the faraway land of Connecticut, so this is the last Lat column that I will write for UUCBV. It’s with a strange mix of emotions that I write this, since I can’t help feeling like I only just got here! In some ways, that’s true - it’s been about two years since I joined this church, and MSJE soon afterwards. And while I’ve only been in a leadership role with MSJE for about 9 months, preparing documentation for our next chair has made me realize just how much we’ve accomplished, and how far I myself have traveled. We’ve started on the path to becoming a Reproductive Justice Congregation, and taken steps to become a greener church. We’ve successfully worked with multiple community organizations, not only continuing to host at Family Promise but making new connections with the local Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter and the revitalized Pride Community Center. This summer’s Pride Potluck, hosted by UUCBV, was not only a success but also an incredibly fun time - and keep an eye out for another PCC/UUCBV event currently in the works! When I stepped into this position, I never saw myself as any kind of leader, nor as someone who made contacts with leaders in the community. I still have a lot to learn, don’t get me wrong, but the most important thing I’ve learned so far is that we all have the power to surprise ourselves. What’s less surprising is the support, ideas, and straight-up volunteer hours I’ve seen from members of MSJE and UUCBV - it’s because of your work that I’ve been able to do anything at all! You keep the wheels of this church turning, and I’m so grateful for all the help and friendship I’ve experienced since I first visited this church.

Speaking of wheels turning, I’m happy to report that I will leave you in the capable hands of Pam Johnson as our next MSJE chair. She's already heavily involved in MSJE activities, including Family Promise, Hope's Locker, the Green Tip of the Week and other green initiatives, the Homeless Awareness Month tour this November, and the list goes on! Although I won't be able to see firsthand how we operate in our new home on 29th Street, I’ll still be able to follow UUCBV’s activities online - and I'm confident that under her leadership, MSJE will be able to continue and expand its service to the community.

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