Have you ever wondered? What Happens to Everything We Put Out To Recycle?
To find out, Take a Lunch Break
Carolina Ask College Station Environmental Compliance & Recycling Manager
will answer our questions.
Recycling 101: The Lifecycle of Recyclables
How to recycle properly for our geographical area
The most common items contaminating our recycling stream
FY2020 Recycling & Solid Waste Statistics
General Solid Waste Information
Bi-Annual Household Hazardous Waste Events
If we have enough time: the Basel Convention - new international recyclable market regulations Thursday, January, 28th 12N Join at 11:30 AM for pre-TED TALK Social Join Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83187582791?pwd=Z2k2cHhpVnNoODhSVGNDY3d5bW15dz09
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If you would like to give a Lunchtime Talk On The Environment, let me know prljohnson@yahoo.com
Thursday Lunchtime Talks - Second & Fourth Thursday of each month at 12N Upcoming: Thur. Jan. 28th. Caroline Ask, C.S. Recycling Manager presents “What Happens to Everything We Recycle?” You are invited to pre-TED Talk Social at 11:30 AM