Everyone is working hard to enjoy their summer despite Covid challenges and the excessive heat. We are busy at UUCBV planning for next year, watching the new church become a reality, and maintaining our worship services, religious education activities, and social justice outreach. Whether you are watching on zoom or attending our services at the Neal Recreation Center, we want to hear from you. If you have ideas about who we should invite to speak at our Thursday 12-1 Lunch and Learns (The link is on our church calendar) or suggestions of any kind, please reach out. My email is RevKiya@Brazos-UU.org.
We have been updating our church ecast and mailing list. If you haven't been getting our weekly mailouts, please write Nancy Deer at admin@Brazos-uu.org, and she will get to the bottom of the problem. Thank you for your support and patience with us during these challenging times. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!