September has been a whirlwind of progress and conversations. The staff have been working hard along with the Board President (Thanks Pam Johnson) the BOT and COM, to build a more transparent governance structure and define everyone's roles as leadership for our church. We are working on a chart that will make it clear and be easy to use for our beloved current members and for our future members and friends. (Thanks Gaye) As the actual building of our new church home begins, it is an excellent time to revamp our hospitality, outreach, governance, and roles, so that we build the thriving church community we all dream of. This will also help the people who will come to be in our community be able to find us.
One of the changes is that the Worship Committee is now the Worship Team. I want to thank John Faber and Maya Lazarus for their leadership of the committee over the last year.
Here is Maya’s last Worship Committee Notes: "The worship committee has reorganized into an ad hoc worship team under the direction of Pastor Kiya. You may have noticed that we have been beta testing breakout rooms during coffee half-hour in September. Attendees at worship service really seemed to like the change, according to surveys. We will continue with breakout rooms in October. A big thank you to Darbi Lockridge for facilitating them. (We’ll miss her for the next two months) For those who are not clear on what we mean by breakout rooms, it’s a chance for you to choose a room related to the worship service or have a general chat with friends in another room or there may be a third room at times. This allows for more choice in your coffee half-hour preferences. We hope more folks will virtually stick around after the service.” Maya represented for UUCBV by reading a poem at the 9/11 Memorial Service at the Presbyterian Church. Allison and I attended the A and M Rainbow Pride Fair and talked with many students about our church. We may see a number of guests in the future. I encourage you to reach out anytime with ideas, get involved with worship, (as a greeter, reader, musician or worship associate), or make a pastoral counselling request to Pastor Kiya at this email address:Minister@Brazos-uu.org. www.kiyaheartwood.com www.peoplesorchestra.com