Hello Friends,
We are so pleased to be going back in person March 6th at the Neal Center. Our Lunch and Learn series is happening virtually via the Churches' Zoom account every Thursday at Noon CST. Please join us for exciting guests, visitors, and discussions about everything from art to social justice. All are welcome. There are many opportunities to invest in the mission of our church. Consider joining the church if you haven't already. We will be hosting a new member's class on Saturday, March 26th, at the Neal Center from 12-2 pm. Stewardship dinners are being planned, so be sure to sign up to attend. Please put my ordination on your calendar for April 2nd at 11 am. The ordination is happening in Austin at First UU Church of Austin, located at 4700 Grove Avenue. Stay tuned for more information, carpooling, etc. The event will be live-streamed if you can't make the journey to Austin. We hope to see you at our in-person services at the Neal Center very soon!