I hope your holidays were full of love and joy. We are moving into our stewardship campaign for next year and looking forward to our new building. Our stewardship theme comes from the hymn "We are Building a New Way." A wise person once said that Tradition is "peer pressure from dead people." We, as Unitarian Universalists, come from two faith traditions with deep roots and powerful histories that inform our choices to this day.
Some of those choices, such as our strong connection to institutional racism and classism, are traditions we'd prefer to leave behind. It is a great deal of work to create new traditions, and we find ourselves blessed with the opportunity to develop new patterns built upon our strong bones as we approach our new church building in Bryan.
New faces and old friends are returning, many young families and people attracted to our Social Justice commitments are attending our services in person and on YouTube. It is hard to be patient with waiting to start services in our new church, but we are dreaming and creating our new traditions right now, whether in person at the Neal Center or virtually. Thank you for your belief in our vision and our community.
Thank you for your faith in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brazos Valley.
All Blessings and Good Cheer, Pastor Kiya