Have any of you ever used the discussion forum on our website? Just think, you can share the discussion with your team and avoid the long string of emails, you can add material that was used at last meeting for people to catch up or read ahead of time, and you can send bright and encouraging notes to lift the entire group!
To participate, visit www.Brazos-UU.org Log-in or Sign up to be a member of our virtual church (this is at the top right of the site). Once the Communication Team approves your request, you are a member.
Find the heading "Discussion Forum" and select. There are general discussions that anyone can add. The Communication Team has already started a tab for most Teams and Committees to start sharing. Find the discussion that inspires you and start sharing your voice. Please omit any personal or financial information from the forum. Consider this information shared available to the entire congregation, the now virtual congregation.
Have fun and enjoy the virtual community!