Happy Hour! CoM invites you to our monthly virtual Happy Hour. We apologize for the technical difficulty people experienced trying to join our January Happy Hour, and we’d still like to know how the New Year is treating you. So, grab your favorite beverage and snack and make plans to join us on Thursday, February 11, 5:30–6:30 p.m. for informal conversation among members and friends.
The CoM is for everyone. The Committee on Ministry (CoM) is for everyone, and we are here to listen. The CoM is designed to track the heartbeat of ministry within the congregation—how the members take care of themselves and each other, how the lay ministerial leadership serves the congregation, and how the minister serves the congregation. It is our intent to serve everyone in our UUCBV congregation and all aspects of our ministry.
As we continue to meet virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important to make the effort to remain connected with each other. Are you getting the information about happenings that you need? Are you getting too much information? Do you experience difficulty getting connected to and involved in our virtual Sunday worship services? Do you have ideas for ways to improve connections and involvement? Do you have some unmet need, but are uncertain whom to ask?
If you wish to discuss a concern; convey thanks, a compliment, or a question; provide feedback, and you don’t know whom to contact or where to start; or you just wish to speak with a member of CoM, then send us an email at C-O-M@brazos-uu.org. Please provide us with a contact phone number and a few good times to speak. A member of CoM will call you.
The Committee on Ministry is John Ivy, Joyce Langenegger, Molly Hagan-Ward, and Rev. Christian Schmidt.