So just what is this thing called the “Committee on Ministry”? Why does it exist? Who are its members? What are the requirements to be a member? How are they selected?
The Committee on Ministry (CoM) is authorized by our church bylaws (Article XI). It is not a “standing committee” but rather an integral church committee that “assesses and supports the institutional health and safety of the congregation”. It assesses all of the congregation’s ministries in light of our mission and vision: professional leadership, music, social justice, religious education, pastoral care, etc.
Our bylaws provide these parameters:
The CoM consists of three Voting Members* of the congregation, who are selected by the Board from a list of three names provided by the CoM,
Members of CoM have been Voting Members a minimum of three years
The minister is a voting member of CoM,
There is one officer, the chair, who is selected the members of CoM, and
Members serve for three years, staggered, determined by the date of assignment to the committee.
*A Voting Member of the congregation is one who has signed the “membership book” and has made a financial contribution (monetary or in-kind) to the congregation within the last 365 days (Article IV of our Bylaws).
Generally, CoM members are appointed before the end of the fiscal year, with terms beginning with the new fiscal year.
Typically, the “work” of the CoM falls into four (4) categories:
Ministerial Advisement
Conflict Engagement
Ministerial Professional Development Support
Congregational Assessment
This is a tall order for a group of four. Therefore, in any given year, the CoM may focus on one or two of these areas.
So how does your CoM carry out their mission related to these four areas? Stay tuned. Our next article will describe, in more detail, our work in the “ministerial advisement” category.
In the meantime, share your thoughts, ideas, questions, concerns, compliments, complaints – whatever is on your mind about our congregation – with us during coffee hour each Sunday at our “CommUUnicate” table. We will record your comments and share with Rev. Donna and the Board President for follow up as appropriate.
A healthy congregation is created by healthy communication – with honesty, directness, and respect. So, let’s CommUUnicate!
Gaye Webb, Chair John Ivy Joyce Langenegger