10:00 am
Beloved Community: What do you need and what do you bring? A look at our gifts and talents.
12:00 pm
Halloweentown Youth Planning Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting (This is a separate zoom from our worship service.)
https://tamu.zoom.us/j/91656644377?pwd=aVZSeFRUTFdNaHlUeDkrYkpNaTVzQT09 Meeting ID: 916 5664 4377
Passcode: 344200
A Halloween costume contest!
How it works: Two categories, child/youth and adult Submit a photo of you in your costume by October 21 at 5 PM (Email to Allison or Nancy) Vote for your favorites on the website from October 24-28 The winners will be revealed during service on 10/31 Winners will win a magical and spooky prize!