Watch the Video of Service here:
10:00 a.m. All Ages Religious Education
The Queen Bears and the Covenant, adopted from “The Queen Bears and the Covenant” by Rev. Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe. See what chaos can occur when the covenant is not followed. A skit performed by RE students and family members.
10:20 a.m. Morning Meetup
10:30 a.m. All Ages Worship Service
“Labor Comes Home” by Rev. Christian Schmidt
In this time of pandemic, many more of us are working from home, while essential workers are encountering new challenges at work and home. On this Labor Day weekend, how do we value the worth of our work, and what new challenges and opportunities are there for us?
11:30 a.m. Online Coffee Hour and Discussion
12:00 p.m. Sunday Gathering Ends
RE & Service Videos available to rewatch on Facebook Page and Blog
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash