In-Person Sunday Morning Service CANCELED
Join Zoom Meeting Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/88021547848?pwd=Q0pQNzNCRzVqN1VOVldWSWE1Z0J5dz09#success
We are NOT meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center
Dear UUCBV Members and Friends:
Unfortunately, COVID-19 has affected several of our members. For this reason, and in an abundance of caution, we are CANCELING in-person Sunday service on August 6.
10:30 a.m. In lieu of in-person service, we will meet on Zoom at 10:30 AM to watch the Berry Street Lecture from General Assembly, Rev. Cecilia Kingman's "My Little Pony Was Right: Reflections on Fascism Without & Within."
11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour and Discussion via ZOOM
The full video of today's Service is available here: uuma.org/berry-street-essay/2023-berry-street-essay-the-reverend-cecilia-kingman