In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 am: Sunday Worship Service: "Three famous Unitarian and Universalist Ministers Rev. Hosea Ballou (1771-1852), Rev. Olympia Brown ( 1835-1926), and Rev. Kenneth L. Patton ( 1911-1994)" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
10:45 am: Religious Education: John Murray and the Winds of Change - We learn the story of John Murray and this unforgettable song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVid2iFUJGc
#brazosuu #famous #uu #history #HoseaBallou #OlympiaBrown #KennethPatton #reverend #kiyaheartwood #sundayworship #unitarianuniversalist #uucbv
11:30 am: Coffee Hour and Discussion
6:00 pm: Video of Service will be available via our Youtube