In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 am: Sunday Worship Service: "Art and Community" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
French Catholic theologian Bishop Albert Rouet writes that the arts are "an irreplaceable part of good liturgy." This sermon will delve into why art is indispensable in creating stronger communities and more engaging worship for Unitarian Universalists.
10:45 am: Religious Education: Music and Art - Do different songs create different art? Join us for this creative experiment!
#brazosuu #art #community #texas #stronger #engaging #kiyaheartwood #sundayworship #unitarianuniversalist #uu #uucbv
11:30 am: Coffee Hour and Discussion
6:00 pm: Video of Service will be available via our Youtube