In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: "Article II" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood.
Delegates contemplated new proposed bylaws for the association. Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws - “Principles and Purposes” - is the foundation for all of the work of the UUA, and its member congregations and covenanted communities. The process for examining and revising this core religious language reflects the faithful practice of Unitarian Universalism. It also reflects UUs understanding of their faith as a Living Tradition, rooted in democratic practice and engagement. Delegates voted to advance recommended changes to Article II, which last underwent a wholesale revision in 1987. A final vote on the revised Article II will take place at General Assembly in 2024. More information on the Article II process is available online.
Religious Education: Intergenerational Service.
11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour in person
Virtual Sunday Evening Service
Each Sunday morning, worship will be recorded. At 6 PM on Sundays, it will premiere on YouTube. Use the comment features to connect with other virtual worshipers.
06:00 p.m. Virtual Worship Service
Virtual Premiere of recorded Sunday morning service on YouTube