Sunday Services at Brazos UU
10:00am - Coffee is Ready
10:15 am - Meditative Music Begins in Sanctuary
10:25 am - Ingathering Music and Video Recording Begins
10:30 am - Multigenerational Sunday Worship Service - "Flower Communion" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
Bring Flowers for Flower Communion!
For our Flower Communion ceremony, everyone in the congregation brings a flower. Each person places a flower on the altar or in a shared vase. The congregation and minister bless the flowers, and they're redistributed so each person brings home a different flower than the one they brought.
#brazosuu #flowercommunion #ceremony #flowers #beauty #diversity #community #unitarianuniversalist #uu #uua #sundayservice #uucbv
NO Religious Education - Multigenerational Service
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our Fellowship Hall.
12:00pm - Spring Clothing Swap - Bring clothes and toys your kids have outgrown, and take different ones home! Extras will benefit the RE program and Brazos Valley Blessings
12:15pm- Coffee Hour Cleanup
Video of Service available via our Youtube