Sunday Services at Brazos UU
10:00am - Coffee is Ready
10:15 am - Meditative Music Begins in Sanctuary
10:25 am - Ingathering Music and Video Recording Begins
10:30 am - Multigenerational Sunday Worship Service - "Gaia Psalms and Earth Day" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood and Rev. Meg Barnhouse
A uniquely UU service for all ages that celebrates the Earth, celebrates our heritage as UUs, and concludes with the planting of our congregation's fig tree on our new property.
NO Religious Education - Multigenerational Service
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our Fellowship Hall.
12:00pm - UU Women's Federation Monthly Potluck
12:45pm - Cleanup
Video of Service available via our Youtube