Easter Sunday Services at Brazos UU
10:00am - Coffee is Ready
10:15 am - Meditative Music Begins in Sanctuary
10:25 am - Ingathering Music and Video Recording Begins
10:30 am - Sunday Worship Service - "Corinthians" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
What the first century of Christianity was really like, focusing on the "sin city" of ancient Corinth.
#brazosuu #eastersunday #Corinthians #earlychristianity #ancient #firstcentury #sincity #corinth #reverend #sundayservice #uucbv
10:45 am - Religious Education - Easter Egg-stravaganza!
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our Fellowship Hall.
11:45am - Egg Launch, Egg Hunt, and Easter Potluck
12:00pm - Cleanup Begins
Video of Service available via our Youtube