Sunday Services at Brazos UU
9:30 am - Breakfast Potluck
10:00 am - Coffee is Ready
10:15 am - Meditative Music Begins in Sanctuary
10:25 am - Ingathering and Recording Begins
10:30 am - Sunday Worship Service - "A Simple Running Stitch and the Spring Equinox" by Rev. Nell Newton: "Our civilization is held together with promises and thread. Promises of how we will strive to behave, and threads that draw together fabric. For, to be civilized is to be clothed. This morning we look closer at the warp and weft, the hems and topstitching, and consider, if not the “single garment of destiny”, at least notice the clothes you are wearing.."
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - Coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship
Live Stream of Service available via our Youtube