by Nancy Granovsky and Rob McGeachin, Co-chairs
We love repeating the last sentence from Rev. Christian’s January column: What is it we plan to do with this wild and precious year? Let’s give this some serious consideration as we envision our New Church Home. How do we envision ourselves in new spaces? What can we do to help? This precious year and our sacred spaces will be much more complete if the Building Fund Capital Campaign now underway is successful in meeting its $300,000 goal. For this effort to be successful, we need everyone’s help! What can you plan to do for the church in this wild and precious legacy-building year?
Last month, we described WHY we need to raise funds or our New Church Home. This month, we will touch briefly on HOW to make a financial contribution and/or HOW to make a pledge to contribute in 2021. More specific detail will follow in the letter you will be receiving, along with a fact sheet and donation/pledge card. The information will also be posted on the church website.
Love and Valentine’s Day fill our thoughts this February. Through our giving, we can express love and gratitude for the key donors, Ken and Kathi Appelt, who have already pledged matched funds up to the $100,000 level. Let’s look deeply into our personal financial capacities to leave behind a legacy for our New Church Home, just as the early builders of our Wellborn Road UU fellowship/church did for us.
Basic HOW’s of giving/pledging include the following: 1) by check or cash; 2) by online giving at our website, remembering that less than 100% of what you donate will come to the church after PayPal fees are paid; 3) by pledging to make your contribution(s) on a one-time or periodic basis – your pledge commitment card must be received by February 28, 2021 and your contribution(s) must be received by January 31, 2022.
February is important for another reason, especially for older members who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from qualified retirement accounts (such as a traditional IRA) by December 31, 2021. Notices are generally sent by investment firms in February indicating the amount of the RMD that must be taken by year’s end, based on 12/31/2020 ending values. An RMD distribution sent directly from the investment company or brokerage firm to the UUCBV is a tax-saver for the donor, as the RMD will not be reportable as 2021 income (it is excluded from Adjusted Gross Income) and may even lower Medicare Part B premiums due to a reduced AGI. Donors are advised to consult their own financial and tax advisors for individualized assistance.