Sunday Services
We are excited to invite you into our new building!
10:30 am - Multigenerational Sunday Worship Service - "Animal Blessing & New Member Ceremony" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
Join us this Sunday for a fun all ages Blessing of the Animals and a New Member Ceremony service. We are excited to welcome our New Members (and their pets) into our new home! There will be cake!
During the Animal Blessing, some people bring their pets to church, others bring photographs of their pets; others have their pets blessed by naming them and there is also a memorial for pets that have passed. If you plan to bring a pet, please be mindful of the other pets who will also be attending this Sunday. (There is also a canine respiratory illness spreading so if your dog is at higher risk please be cautious.)
#brazosuu #animalblessing #newmembers #ceremony #membership #blessings #memorial #pets #welcome #unitarianuniversalist #uucbv
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our new Fellowship Hall and Kitchen
Video of Service available via our Youtube