Virtual Sunday Morning Service
Until our COVID team deems in-person meetings safe, UUCBV will be meeting online.
This is the format of online worship until further notice
10:00 AM: All Ages Religious Education via Zoom
At 10:00 AM, join us on Zoom for religious education
Meeting ID: 780 211 530
Passcode: 1956
RE Service Project Brainstorm
At 10:30 AM, Sunday service will premiere on YouTube and Facebook
Use the comment feature to interact with fellow congregants during service.
MSJE Sunday.
About Family Promise with director Phoebe Simmons.
Watch the video of service here:
11:30 AM: Open Coffee Hour via Zoom
Join us for an open coffee hour for discussion and fellowship from 11:30 to 12:30
Meeting ID: 780 211 530
Passcode: 1956