In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
"Love is Our Mission" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
#brazosuu #love #ourmission #sundayworship #reverend #uu #church #worship #uua #sundayservice #mission #kiyaheartwood #uucbv
Religious Education: "Love for Family and Friends"
The theme of the month is Love. For this lesson, we explore the love we feel for family members and friends. We will make valentines for family, friends, and our church community members who cannot be at in-person gatherings.
11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour in person
Virtual Sunday Evening Service
Each Sunday morning, worship will be recorded. At 6 PM on Sundays, it will premiere on YouTube and Facebook. Use the comment features to connect with other virtual worshipers.
06:00 p.m. Virtual Worship Service