In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 am: Worship Service: "News From The Border" by guest speaker Heather Malkawi
#brazosuu #border #borderpatrol #immigration #witness #firsthandaccount #borderpolicy #legislation #texas #sundayservice #unitarianuniversalist #uucbv
10:45 am: Religious Education: Our winter solstice pageant this year is based on The Snow Tree by Caroline Repchuk. In November, we will be preparing all of our pageant costumes and decorations for our pageant, which is on December 17. This week, we will start the painting of our animal costumes. Please send children in clothes that can get a bit messy.
11:30 am: Coffee Hour and Discussion
6:00 pm: Video of Service will be available via our Youtube