In-Person Sunday Morning Service
We are meeting in person at Neal Recreation Center at 600 N. Randolph Ave in Bryan, Texas while we build our church home.
10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
"Making It Whole: Building a Balanced Life" by Rev. Kiya Heartwood
#brazosuu #makingitwhole #balance #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #building #life #sundayworship #reverend #kiyaheartwood #uucbv
Today we are also having our New Member Ceremony to celebrate our new members!
Religious Education:
Keep Your Balance to Find Your Center: When we are off-balance, we can be lost and confused, whether it's from spinning around, or not hearing our inner voice. When we find our center, we are balanced and can face hard times with calm and courage and know what we need to do to make the world a better place.
11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour in person
Virtual Sunday Evening Service
Each Sunday morning, worship will be recorded. At 6 PM on Sundays, it will premiere on YouTube and Facebook. Use the comment features to connect with other virtual worshipers.
06:00 p.m. Virtual Worship Service