Sunday Morning Services
We are excited to invite you into our new building!
10:30 am - Sunday Worship Service - "Evolution and Christianity" by Guest Speaker Bobby Presley
#brazosuu #evolution #christianity #science #belief #evidence #freethinker #atheist #agnostic #church #sundayservice #unitarianuniversalist #uucbv
10:45 am - Religious Education - We hear the Parable of the River and play a magnet game called Love Pulls Us Up Stream. It is not enough to pull people out of a river, but we need to investigate why they are falling in at all! Our theme of the month is Liberating Love.
11:30 am - Coffee Hour - We will have coffee, snacks, discussion, and fellowship in our new Fellowship Hall and Kitchen
11:45 am - New Member Class - Lunch provided and childcare available, RSVP to Kiya or Allison and let us know any dietary restrictions so we can best feed you!
12:00 pm - UUWF Meeting and Potluck
Video of Service available via our Youtube