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 We are self-supporting.
We are mostly volunteer and member operated and funded. Our annual financial commitments from members fund over 94% of our operating budget. 

Please designate how you wish your donations distributed:
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The Collection Plate
You can contribute to the collection plate in-person on Sundays, or anytime online through our donation page.

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Every Sunday, half of the un-directed cash collections from the morning offering go to a nonprofit.

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The loose change from the morning offering is collected for our Social Justice efforts.

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Pledges & Stewardship
We are self-supporting. We are mostly volunteer and member operated and funded. Our national headquarters, our Unitarian Universalist Association, gives us no funds for operation. Given our practice of congregational governance, we are a self-supporting congregation. Our annual financial commitments fund over 94% of our operating budget.

Our members make annual giving pledges and contribute to our stewardship drive to keep our church budget operational. 

Pledges & Stewardship

We create just and loving community.


1719 East 29th Street

Bryan, Texas 77802

Contact Us


1719 E 29th Street

Bryan, Texas, 77802


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