Tech & Site Admin

Jul 6, 20211 min

UUSJ and the 8th Principle

We wanted you to know that UUSJ has formally adopted and embraced the 8th Principle, just now, during UUSJ's Annual Board Meeting of June 26, 2021.

Our next board will have the charge to look at what this means for UUSJ's work towards vision and mission, but we are joyful to take this step as an organization and wanted to celebrate with you by sharing the news.

During the spring UUSJ had two facilitated conversations with Paula Cole Jones, on Widening the Circle of Concern, which galvanized sentiments emerging in our strategic planning process. One result coming off those interactions was a motion to adopt the 8th Principle.

We happily join the community of UU congregations and UU-related organizations that have adopted the 8th Principle and the work that lies ahead flowing from this commitment.


Bob Denniston, Board Chair
Pablo DeJesus, Executive Director

7750 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20012
202-600-9132 |
